Coffee Testing: What We Look For and Why
At the Coffee Analysts Coffee Laboratory, we use a range of technical equipment to analyze the physical characteristics of green and roasted coffee. For all our coffee testing packages, we perform many tests, but there are few things in particular that we look for.
Denser green coffees typically have more flavor of greater complexity and take longer to roast. Knowing the density is important to the roaster, especially if a dark roast is to be used.
In green coffee, the moisture content affects how the coffee will roast, its flavor potential and potential for developing “off” flavors. High moisture content in roasted coffee can cause it to go stale prematurely.
Screen Sizing
A series of screens is used to determine the sizes of the green been sample. The size of the green bean an important indicator of quality and consistency.
Defect Inventory
A technician evaluates a weighed sample and classifies the defects according to standards used by the Coffee, Sugar, and Cocoa Exchange of New York and the Specialty Coffee Association of America.
Color Analysis
The color of roasted coffee is an important indicator of the degree of roast. A near–infrared or photo spectrometer is used to measure the color of the sample.
Any contact with oxygen will cause the roasted product to go stale. To help ensure the best vacuum packaging, Coffee Analysts takes a hypodermic sample of gas from the bag and tests it for oxygen content.
Grind—Particle Size
The coffee’s fineness or coarseness determines the rate at which flavor can be extracted from roasted coffee. We use a series of precision sieves and a vibrating plate to measure the size of particles in a sample.
Report on Sample to Standard
Using the above tests, Coffee Analysts compares a current sample with a set profile and issues a report. We can help develop a product standard for your target market or test to an existing popular product to determine a standard.