Coffee Analysts Hosts Anacafe
Coffee Analysts has started a cross training program where invited coffee professionals from a coffee producing country visit Coffee Analysts and spend a week sharing industry practices with the CA staff.
Cesar Eduardo Ambrocio is the Head Coffee Cupper in Guatemala and works at Anacafe. He is responsible for tasting over 10,000 samples per year of coffee from all of the seven regions of Guatemala.
Juan Antonio Silvestre Yanci is the head coffee roaster from Anacafe and is also part of the cupping team there. Both of them hold the prestigious license of being Q grader certified.
While at Coffee Analysts offices they shared their knowledge of Guatemala coffees, which included a heavy schedule of tasting coffees.
Later in the year Coffee Analysts plans to send two staff to Guatemala where they will bring their expertise to Anacafe.
- Juan Antonio, Dan Cox and Eduardo enjoying the Vermont fall season.
- Juan Antonio and Eduardo cupping Guatemalan coffee.
- Juan Antonio and Eduardo at the Coffee Analysts cupping table.